Udemezue Oluoma grew up in the Eastern part of Nigeria. She is the last of seven children. Her educational background wraps around arts from High school to the University where she studied English Language and Literature (Literature major). Growing up in a large family where everyone enjoyed either reading a novel, writing, relaxing in front of a television or thinking up ideas, influenced her life and writing a lot. What she writes wrap around life.
She started writing at a very tender age, and authors like Adaeze Atuegwu fueled her ink then. Oluoma enjoys arts in its fullness, and it has come in handy in the way she incorporates it in what she writes. For her, romance, thriller, and suspense complete a story. Her works have appeared on the pulse.ng, creativeprizes.com, Bagmus Mutendi blog, amakaanozie.wordpress.com, and she was one of the finalists in Tony Fernández International poetry competition, 2018 and many others. Presently, her short stories are constantly published online at coutales.com. |