Shitta Faruq Adémólá is a young Muslim poet, phone photographer, budding French linguist, and fiction writer from Nigeria.
He is the author of a forthcoming micro chapbook, "All I Know Is I Am Going to Be Beautiful One Day" (Ghost City Press, 2021), and a chapbook, "Night Club with Dogs" (INKspired, 2021). His works have appeared or are forthcoming in Jalada Africa, Dream Glow, Serotonin, FERAL, Third Estate Art, Rigorous Magazine, Icefloe Press, and elsewhere. In addition, he is the winner of the 2021 Fitrah review poetry prize, a joint winner in the 2020 Shuzia PenProtest Contest, a joint winner in the 2021 Shuzia redemption poetry contest, and a joint winner IN 10-DAY Poetry challenge (November 2020). He is a poetry editor at Litround and tweets @shittafaruqade1. |